===== Manual for making ButtuLadio playlists. ===== //Start a new page by **ButtuLadio+** (case-sensitive!)\\ for instance ButtuLadioBrantisek\\ Copy the following items to that page \\ And fill out your information per track: // * Item: (give a number per track in the playlist) * Artists: (mention everyone who made this) * Title: (long live our imagination) * Date: (yyyymmdd) * Place: (name and/or coordinates) * Description: (describe your soundfile as interesting as you can) * Genre: (if experimental invent a new genre) * Format: (mp3 wav ogg etc...) * Location: (check in your browser to be sure it is accessible) * Picture: (if available) Click ButtuLadioBrantisek to see an example\\ **Add your playlist name here below:** * ButtuLadioAha * ButtuLadioNoseOff * ButtuLadioPingping * ...