Let's make a hybrid label/podcast/stream/whatever and just call it ButtuLadio! The idea is to start from current habits and ways of playing, communicating, learning… We have been talking about it for a while and basically we need first a small online infrastructure with network streaming and playlists, which can run randomly but be interrupted for realtime interventions like announcements, live concerts, podcasts etc. Later on we can add old fashioned pirate radio (we have some FM transmitters already) and then hack the local rozhlas? and for sure extend it to other similar places, for instance to make automatically a common playlist and more…
Here are some links as an inspiration (not to kill originality and invention though):
Start a new page by ButtuLadio+<uniquename> (case-sensitive!)
for instance ButtuLadioBrantisek
Copy the following items to that page
And fill out your information per track:
Click ButtuLadioBrantisek to see an example
Add your playlist name here below: